Northamptonshire, Yorkshire, all of the UK and beyond.
Everything for Letterpress and Printmaking.
Everything for Letterpress and Printmaking.


CLIENTS often ask for their presses to be checked and serviced to ensure that there are no problems developing, that everything is set up correctly and working as it should and that the presses are clean and lubricated properly. Tympans can be recovered in cloth or paper.

IF you feel that your press would benefit from being professionally serviced or maintained, please contact us for advice and a quotation. Many colleges, universities, art schools and print workshops have annual or biennial service visits just to ensure that the equipment is in top working order and no potential problems are developing.

JOSIAH Wade Limited is able to repair most faults with a press and offer a full engineering service including supply of replacement parts if necessary. Smaller repairs can be carried out on site. Sometimes it could be that something doesn’t feel quite right. We are always happy to investigate and offer an honest appraisal. Many problems can be solved with surprisingly little fuss.